Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has been sentenced to three months of imprisonment by the Andheri Magistrate Court in a cheque bounce case. The court also ordered Varma to pay ₹3.72 lakh as compensation to the complainant, Mahesh Chandra, within three months. Failure to comply will result in an additional three-month jail term, the court ruled.
The case dates back to 2018, with Chandra alleging that a cheque issued by Varma had bounced due to insufficient funds. After nearly seven years of legal proceedings, the court delivered its verdict, citing Varma’s absence from all hearings. His repeated failure to appear had previously led to a non-bailable warrant being issued against him.
This verdict comes as Varma is attempting to revive his career in the film industry. During a recent event marking the re-release of his 1998 cult classic Satya, he opened up about his career trajectory. Reflecting on his earlier successes and setbacks, he admitted, “I didn’t make the most of the opportunities I had.” Varma added that he now aims to focus on producing meaningful films. He also recently announced his allegedly biggest film yet, Syndicate.
Varma, known for his influential work in films like Company and Sarkar, has faced several controversies over the years. His legal troubles have added to the challenges of reclaiming his once-stellar reputation in the industry.
As of now, it remains unclear whether Varma plans to appeal the court’s decision or comply with its orders.