Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been going strong as a couple since 2013, from their RamLeela days. The couple eventually got married in 2018 in a private ceremony and since then, a lot has changed. Both Deepika and Ranveer are more successful individuals now; but if there is something that hasn’t changed between the two, it’s the love and bonding between them.
The kind of person Ranveer is, he is always into poking fun at his wifey dearest Deepika, and we find one more instance where Ranveer simply makes netizens go crazy with his sense of humour.
Well, what we did find out is that Deepika was a very talkative girl who needed to listen to instructions in school and Ranveer being her husband, he feels the same too. So we can truly understand the fun side of it. For more such updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com.