Actor Rhea Chakraborty recently hosted megastar Yo Yo Honey Singh on her podcast, where the two had an open conversation about mental health. During their discussion, Rhea expressed her gratitude towards the singer for being vocal about his struggle with bipolar disorder, acknowledging the significance of his admission.

Rhea mentioned that she understood bipolar disorder closely and had felt deeply moved while watching interviews in which Honey Singh had discussed his journey. She noted how challenging it must have been for him to openly share something so personal and profound. She highlighted the rarity of someone of his stature coming forward to admit having dealt with bipolar disorder, recovering from it, and surviving it.

She thanked him for shedding light on the subject, emphasizing that not many individuals are able to overcome such a struggle, let alone speak about it publicly. Rhea said his openness would inspire many others dealing with similar challenges.

The episode provided a platform for a candid exchange between the two, focusing on mental health awareness and the importance of normalizing conversations around it. Honey Singh’s experiences and Rhea’s insights resonated with the larger theme of breaking the stigma associated with mental health issues.