Actor Saif Ali Khan returned to his Mumbai house after getting discharged from Leelavati hospital on Tuesday, 21 January. The actor was stabbed six times by an intruder during a scuffle who broke into his house on January 15. This incident has shocked the whole nation. After the incident, Saif’s security team was questioned. To be careful about his future, the Bollywood actor has now decided to hand his security responsibility to popular actor Ronit Roy‘s security agency.
As per the Hindustan Times report, Ronit said, “We are already here with Saif. He is doing fine now, and has come back.” Ronit Roy is a popular Indian television and film actor who owns a security agency, Ace Security and Protection, also known as AceSqad Security LLP. His agency has guarded stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and many others.
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital after the stabbing incident, and he was admitted for five days. Several stars, like Malaika Arora, Amruta Arora, Arjun Kapoor and Rani Mukerji visited the actor in Leelavati hospital. On the other hand, Kareena Kapoor Khan expressed her frustration with the paparazzi for clicking pictures of their house even after the horrific incident. Later, a man was arrested by Mumbai police, and they took him back to recreate the incident.