Sahil Khan once again is making headlines all over the internet after he announced his wife, Milena Alexandra, is ready to convert to Islam. The Bollywood actor, who has appeared in films like Xcuse Me, Style, Aladdin, etc., has become a popular fitness influencer. The 48-year-old actor was previously married to Norwegian actress Negar Khan in 2003, but the marriage didn’t last long, and after one year, the duo filed for a divorce in 2005.

After almost 19 years, Sahil tied the knot for the second time with a 21-year-old foreign model, Milena Alexandra, in 2024. The couple announced their engagement and, thereafter, their court marriage. It has been almost one year since their marriage, and it seems everything is going well with the couple.

Sahil Khan Finds Love Again In 22-Year-Old Milena Alexandra, Latter Ready To Convert To Islam 932819

Sahil found love in Milena, who is 22 years old, in 2025, and now he announced the big news of his wife being ready to convert to Islam. On his Instagram account, Sahil shared a series of photos posing with his wife like an adorable couple. In the caption, he proudly announced Milena Alexandra’s willingness to convert to Islam. He wrote, “Very Proud to Announce That My Wife Milena Alexandra Has Chosen To Embrace Islam Alhamdulillah For This Beautiful Journey! May Allah Forgive Us & Accept Our Prayers #ameen #allah #dubai.” Sahil Khan is currently 48 years old, and Milena Alexandra is 22 years old, which highlights that they are the first couple with 26 26-year age gap. But Sahil and Milena share a great bond, and their Instagram accounts are proof of this.