Sai Pallavi recently marked the three-month anniversary of her sister Pooja Kannan’s wedding to Vineeth Sivakumar, sharing a heartfelt tribute on Instagram that captured the emotions of the special day. The couple tied the knot in a traditional Badaga ceremony in Ooty this September, and the occasion was not only a celebration of love but also a milestone for Sai as she experienced the wedding from a deeply personal perspective.
In her post, Sai reminisced about the wedding, noting how it marked a new chapter in her life. “Lil did I know that my sister’s wedding would also be the next phase of my life!” she wrote, reflecting on the emotional significance of the event. Sai shared how the ceremony moved everyone present, with many guests wiping away tears of joy. “I witnessed every soul present in the ceremony tear up, bless them and dance in joy!” she added.
The actress also expressed the challenges of letting go, admitting that she had always been the one to guide her sister through life’s decisions. “I wasn’t ready to let Pooju take this big step because this was new to me, and I couldn’t advise her on pros and cons, like I always did with things in life.” However, Sai found comfort in knowing that her brother-in-law, Vineeth, would love and care for Pooja as deeply as she does, if not more. “In my heart, I knew that my dear @v1n33 will pamper and love Pooju the way I do, or maybe even more!”
As a token of gratitude, Sai thanked everyone who had showered the newlyweds with love and positivity, saying, “It’s been three months since the wedding, and I’ve never been this right in my life.”
In her post, Sai also acknowledged the work of the photographers who captured the magical moments of the day. “@eshanrajuphotography you and Khushboo were magic! Each picture was a painting, unspoken words do,” she wrote, referring to the stunning visuals shared in the post. She also praised photographer @vivekkrishnanphotography for capturing moments that were hard to choose from, describing the selection process as a tough one due to the “million precious moments” captured.
The wedding was a deeply emotional and joyful celebration, and Sai’s post attends as a touching showcase of the bond she shares with her sister and the joy of witnessing her begin a new chapter in life.