Actor Saif Ali Khan recently made headlines after an intruder broke into his Mumbai residence and attacked him, leaving him with six injuries, one dangerously close to his spine. The Mumbai Police arrested Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national, in connection with the incident. However, the case has taken a new turn as reports suggest that the fingerprints collected from Saif’s house do not match those of Shehzad.
According to NDTV, the Mumbai Police had sent the fingerprints found at the crime scene to the state Criminal Investigation Department’s (CID) fingerprint bureau. The CID’s system-generated report concluded that the prints did not belong to Shehzad. Following this, additional samples have been sent for further analysis.
An officer, speaking to The Telegraph, revealed that a preliminary report initially indicated a match with Shehzad’s prints. However, the final confirmation is still awaited as the police continue their investigation. The officer added that more samples are being analyzed to determine the exact connection of the arrested individual to the crime.
There are also doubts regarding Shehzad’s identity as social media users claim his appearance does not match the man seen on CCTV leaving Saif’s home. Furthermore, reports suggest that Shehzad has not been cooperating with the police, raising concerns about the involvement of another individual.
The FIR filed by Saif’s staff states that the intruder was first spotted in the actor’s son Jeh’s room. During a confrontation, the perpetrator reportedly demanded Rs 1 crore and later stabbed Saif during the altercation.
The case remains under investigation as authorities work to piece together the events surrounding the attack on the actor.