Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital early this morning after sustaining injuries in a violent altercation at his Bandra home. Reports suggest the incident occurred around 2:30 AM in his residence. Preliminary information indicates an intruder entered the property using an alternate access route, allegedly with the intent of burglary.
A confrontation reportedly unfolded when Khan’s domestic staff noticed the intruder. Saif is said to have intervened, resulting in a scuffle during which he sustained multiple injuries. The intruder fled the scene shortly after the altercation.
Medical professionals at Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, confirmed that Saif suffered significant injuries, including a deep wound to the spine, as well as injuries to his neck and hand. Emergency surgery was performed by a team of specialists to stabilize his condition. According to a statement by a senior doctor, the surgery involved removing a foreign object and addressing other injuries.
The actor’s condition is now described as stable, and hospital staff have assured that he is recovering well.
While no official word has been given regarding his discharge, sources close to the situation suggest that he may be able to return home soon, provided his recovery progresses as expected.
Mumbai Police have launched an investigation into the incident. Surveillance footage has reportedly been reviewed, and efforts are underway to apprehend the individual responsible. Law enforcement officials have assured the public that significant progress has been made in the case.
People are shocked with the audacity of the incident and social media is abuzz with multiple conjectures. It is said that Kareena Kapoor and her friends were partying in the house. The intruder, whose first CCTV footage apparently has been issued by the police, was believed to be lurking in the premises, awaiting to make his ghastly move.
It is said that the criminal’s first target were the kids, and Saif was attacked while trying to save his family while climbing down the stairs. Saif, brave and like any other responsible father, battled fearlessly against the coward, got soaked in blood but defended his loved ones.
Social media reports suggest Saif’s elder son Ibrahim was quick to his senses and rushed his papa dear to the hospital on a auto rickshaw to save valuable time.
Luckily, Saif is safe and will recover soon, given the strong man that he is.
However, the incident is appaling and shocking and must be investigated.
Saif’s fans have expressed their concerns across social media, sending their best wishes for his speedy recovery. The shocking nature of the incident has raised questions about safety measures, especially for high-profile individuals residing in urban centers.
As updates on his health and the investigation emerge, supporters are hopeful for the actor’s swift return to good health. For now, Saif is under close observation, and his family has released an official statement on the matter.
As also seen, an array of celebrities have been coming in to visit Saif Ali Khan in the hospital ranging from Siddharth Anand to Sanjay Dutt.