On January 16, Saif Ali Khan faced a terrifying incident when a burglar broke into his home and attacked him. The actor was stabbed and rushed to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. Doctors revealed that one of the stab wounds was dangerously close to his spine, and a 2.5-inch blade was recovered from the area. Despite the severity of the injuries, Saif returned home within five days, looking remarkably fit, which sparked speculation online about the authenticity of the attack and his swift recovery.

The internet was soon flooded with trolls questioning how Saif recovered so quickly after such a critical injury. Addressing these doubts, Saif’s sister, Saba Ali Pataudi, stepped in to shut down the negativity. Sharing a post by The Filmy Official, Saba highlighted a doctor’s explanation of Saif’s recovery process. The post was titled, “Educate yourselves: Doctor explains reason as people call Saif’s recovery ‘quick.’” Saba specifically circled and emphasized the word “educate,” subtly urging trolls to understand the facts before making assumptions.

Saif Ali Khan’s quick recovery post attack raises eyebrows; Saba responds 934433

The shared post featured a video of cardiologist Dr. Deepak Krishnamurthy, who clarified that quick recoveries after major surgeries are not uncommon. “People who’ve undergone cardiac bypass surgeries are able to climb stairs by the third or fourth day. Similarly, Saif’s recovery is medically feasible. Educate yourselves,” the doctor stated.

Saba’s response was lauded by fans, who praised her for shutting down baseless rumors with facts. Meanwhile, Saif continues to rest at home, with well-wishers hopeful for his full recovery.