Former actor Sana Khan recently spoke about the negative remarks she faced during her marriage to Mufti Anas Saeed. Speaking on a podcast, she reflected on the criticism and speculations that followed her decision to settle down, sharing how she dealt with the negativity with a positive mindset.
Sana revealed that many people made harsh comments when she got married. According to her, some claimed her marriage would not last beyond a few months, while others suggested that she would lead her father-in-law to do household chores. The criticism did not stop even after the couple welcomed their first child three years later. Sana recalled that people doubted her ability to have children and speculated that she would leave her marriage.
Although the remarks were hurtful, Sana said she chose to remain optimistic. Instead of letting the negativity affect her, she focused on maintaining a positive outlook and sought strength through prayer.
The former actor, who left the entertainment industry in 2020 to embrace a spiritual path, married Mufti Anas Saeed the same year. The couple welcomed their first child, a baby boy, in July 2023.
Sana’s journey has been marked by her decision to prioritize her faith and family over her career. Despite facing judgment and criticism, she continues to inspire others with her resilience and commitment to her choices.
For many, her story sheds light on the challenges public figures often face in their personal lives and emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself amid societal pressures.