Former Bollywood actress Sana Khan and her husband Mufti Anas Sayed, who tied the knot in 2020, recently became parents for the second time. The couple welcomed their youngest child, a baby boy, on January 5, 2025. Sana and Anas, who are already parents to a son named Saiyad Tariq Jamil, born on July 5, 2023, have now announced the name of their newest addition.
On January 25, 2025, Sana took to her Instagram handle to share the special announcement with her followers. She posted an animated video featuring multiple slides with messages from the couple. The video carried a neutral-toned theme and included graphics like a pram, balloons, and a tiny castle, complementing the joyful occasion.
In one of the slides, Sana requested her fans to keep her newborn in their prayers. She then revealed the name of their baby boy, Saiyad Hasan Jamil. The couple’s thoughtful announcement highlighted their joy as they introduced their son to the world.
Sana’s post received warm wishes and congratulatory messages from fans and followers. Many expressed their happiness and sent blessings for the little one.
Sana Khan, who stepped away from her acting career to focus on her personal life and spiritual journey, continues to connect with her audience through social media. Her announcement was a heartfelt moment for her followers, offering a glimpse into this new chapter of her life as a mother of two.