The romantic drama Sanam Teri Kasam is set for a re-release, nearly nine years after its initial debut in 2016. The film, which featured Harshvardhan Rane and Mawra Hocane in lead roles, didn’t perform well at the box office when it first premiered. However, over time, it has gained a loyal fan following, with viewers appreciating its music and emotional storyline.
In recent years, fans of the film have consistently requested its re-release, especially given the trend of older films finding renewed success upon hitting theaters again. A video shared by Harshvardhan Rane on his social media has confirmed the development. The video shows a group of fans gathered outside the residence of the film’s producer, Deepak Mukut, urging him to bring the movie back to cinemas.
Rane captioned the video, “Mission Passed. Official announcement by @deepakmukut tomorrow.” Toward the end of the clip, Mukut is seen addressing the fans, saying, “On public demand, Sanam Teri Kasam 7th February 2025 confirmed.” While no further details were revealed, this statement indicates that the film will be re-released on February 7, 2025. Interestingly, this date also marks the ninth anniversary of the film, which originally hit screens on February 5, 2016.
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The re-release has already sparked excitement among fans, who have expressed their enthusiasm across social media platforms. Known for its memorable soundtrack, including hits like “Tera Chehra” and “Sanam Teri Kasam,” the film is expected to draw audiences eager to relive the story on the big screen. The re-release will offer a new generation of viewers the chance to experience the cult favorite in theaters.