The “Welcome” film franchise has earned a special place in the hearts of Bollywood enthusiasts, emerging as one of the most adored and highly anticipated series in Indian cinema. The initial installment of this superhit comedy series, titled “Welcome,” made its debut on a festive note, hitting screens on Christmas Day in 2007. The film boasted a star-studded cast, featuring the charismatic duo of Akshay Kumar and the enchanting Katrina Kaif in leading roles. Alongside them, seasoned actors Anil Kapoor, Nana Patekar, Paresh Rawal, and the late Feroz Khan played pivotal characters. Directed by the talented Aneez Bazmee, “Welcome” not only delivered hearty laughs but also clinched its place as one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of the year, earning the affection of audiences far and wide.

Excitement is building in the Bollywood circuit, with reports swirling about the development of the next instalment in the hilarious “Welcome” franchise. Speculations are rife, suggesting that the lead roles in this much-anticipated sequel will likely be portrayed by the versatile Raveena Tandon and the ever-charming Akshay Kumar, as mentioned in a report by Filmfare. Bollywood enthusiasts are abuzz with anticipation, eagerly awaiting further updates on this promising addition to the “Welcome” series.

Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar’s work

Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar, two stalwarts of the Indian film industry, shared a brief engagement in the 1990s. However, life took them on separate paths, and they moved forward independently. In recent years, though, they seem to have embraced a renewed sense of camaraderie and openness. In a candid interview, Raveena Tandon disclosed that she maintains a cherished friendship with Akshay Kumar, referring to him as “one of the strongest pillars” in the world of Indian cinema. Their amicable relationship has been a topic of discussion among fans, serving as a heartwarming testament to the bonds that can endure even after the passage of time.