Actor Shahid Kapoor recently opened up about his latest film Deva and how it reflects the essence of Mumbai at the teaser event of the film. According to Kapoor, the film, which was entirely shot in the city, captures both the beauty and the edginess of Mumbai. He shared that the titular character, Dev, has a deeper meaning, with the “A” at the end symbolizing the duality within every individual. Kapoor explained that everyone has two sides—one that is divine and another that can be dark, much like the contrasts seen in the city itself.
Talking about the film’s theme and its target audience, Kapoor stated that Deva is designed for the masses. He mentioned that he has often been advised to explore a more “massy” space in his career, and this film represents that step. He described Deva as one of the most challenging roles he has taken on, urging audiences to watch the film to discover its message and character depth.
Kapoor emphasized the relatable nature of the story, noting that everyone has a “Deva” within them. By connecting the character’s journey to the broader human experience, the film seeks to resonate with a wide range of viewers.
The film is led by Shahid Kapoor and has Pooja Hegde as the female lead opposite him. It is directed by Rosshan Andrrews, who is a prolific name in the Malayalam film industry and is also making his Hindi film debut with Deva. It is produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur’s Roy Kapur Films and Umesh KR Bansal’s Zee Studios. The film is set to release on 31st January 2025.