Actor Shahid Kapoor recently opened up about his perspective on relationships, struggles, and parenting in a candid conversation. Sharing his thoughts on gestures of care, he spoke about how his actions for his wife, Mira Rajput, often get misconstrued. He mentioned that people sometimes label such gestures, like helping her with her gown or opening doors, as acts of submission. However, he noted that sincerity in such acts is unmistakable, and in today’s era of constant exposure, it is difficult to fake such behavior over time.
Reflecting on his early career struggles, Shahid revealed that he went through a phase of feeling like a victim due to his circumstances. He compared his journey to those who had easier starts in the industry, pointing out that some people begin their careers with access to influential directors and a comfortable lifestyle. In contrast, he shared that he had to audition 250 times to find opportunities, making his initial years particularly challenging.
On the topic of parenting, Shahid spoke about his hopes for his children. He emphasized his desire for them to grow up with inherent confidence and admitted that he would prefer them to choose a more stable career path than the film industry. However, he added that if they eventually decided to pursue acting, he would support their choice.
These reflections offer a glimpse into the actor’s experiences and his grounded outlook on life, shaped by his personal and professional journey.