Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh have worked together in Padmavaat. Although Shahid was fantastic within his limited scope, Ranveer certainly stole the limelight with his portrayal of Alauddin Khilji.

Although both are good and healthy when it comes to their personal relation, seems like Shahid didn’t have the best experience recently at an awards show and the reason is related to Ranveer Singh.

As per reports, Shahid was supposed to perform at the Star Screen Awards, knowing the fact that he would also be getting an award. But the apparent unprofessional attitude of the organizers shocked Shahid, as at the 11th hour, the presenters and everything were changed, and the award was given away to Ranveer Singh.

This miffed Shahid, and as per media reports, he left the venue without recording his performance.

Well, all we can say is ‘showbiz’ can sometimes get really tough and these are the ideal instances that prove the same. For more such updates, stay tuned to