In an exclusive interview with Bharathi S Pradhan for Lehren Retro, Bollywood icon and politician Shatrughan Sinha opened up about a sensitive topic that has intrigued fans and media alike: the absence of his sons, Luv and Kush, at daughter Sonakshi Sinha’s wedding. While the wedding was a joyous occasion, the conspicuous absence of the two brothers raised questions and sparked rumors of a rift within the Sinha family.
In the candid conversation, Sinha acknowledged the situation but refrained from going into too much detail. He mentioned “cultural differences” and alluded to personal reasons as factors behind Luv and Kush’s decision not to attend the wedding. Though the veteran actor did not directly address the speculation about sibling discord, his words suggested there were deeper, more complex reasons behind the absence that went beyond mere family disagreements.
The wedding of Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal, the son of businessman Iqbal Ratansi, was a significant event for the Sinha family, yet Luv and Kush’s absence led to whispers about strained relations. When approached by Hindustan Times, Luv, who is often private about his personal life, neither denied the rumors nor elaborated further, adding more fuel to the speculation.
Shatrughan Sinha, while speaking about the situation, expressed his support for Sonakshi and praised her choice of partner. He called her his “favourite” and applauded her decision to marry Zaheer, noting that she had made a wise and thoughtful decision for her future. However, the topic of his sons’ absence remained a delicate one, with Sinha choosing not to delve deeper into it, maintaining his privacy.
The interview highlighted Sinha’s complex relationship with family dynamics, offering a glimpse into the actor-politician’s personal life while keeping certain details close to his heart.
Fans of the Sinha family will undoubtedly continue to speculate, but for now, Shatrughan Sinha’s candid words provide a rare and respectful acknowledgment of the situation surrounding his sons’ absence at one of the most significant events in his daughter’s life.