This morning started with the shocking news that Jharkhand actress Riya Kumari died due to a gunshot by robbers on the way to Kolkata. The 30 years old Riya Kumari was traveling to Kolkata from Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi with her husband, Prakash Kumar, and a two-year-old daughter. This incident happened during a robbery attempt at the highway in West Bengal. Howrah district on Wednesday. It was reported by her husband, Prakash Kumar, to the Bengal police.
Kumar, as per the statement, is a film producer. Prakash revealed to the cops that the small family was on their way to Kolkata, and they were attacked when he stopped the car to take a little rest near Mahishrekha bridge on National Highway in Rajapur in the morning around 6 am. He also shared that his wife got down from the car after she spotted the robbers. She tried to stop them, but they shot her through the ear.
Prakash Kumar shared that he drove his wife three kilometers for help. And later, he got help from local people in the Pirtala area. The residents called the police. Riya Kumari was taken to Uluberia Hospital as soon as the cops appeared. But the doctors declared her dead.
The rural SP Swati Bangaliana stated, “The husband alleges that three men attacked him and tried to rob his belongings, but his wife came in between. They had weapons; they shot at her and fled from the spot.” Also, “As per the husband, she was shot from point blank range. We have initiated a case. Investigation is on.”
Also, the police are investigating the matter and looking for nearby CCTV footage. They are also probing the husband’s statement and talking to the two-year-old to verify the husband’s statement.
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Source: Indianexpress