Actors Shreyas Talpade and Kajal Aggarwal have commenced filming for their upcoming movie, The India Story. The film, produced and written by Sagar B. Shinde under MIG Production and Studios, is directed by Chetan DK.
The project kicked off in Mumbai, with subsequent schedules planned for Kolhapur and other parts of the city. The story explores significant scandals involving pesticide companies, offering a hard-hitting narrative that highlights critical issues.
The India Story aims to bring a compelling drama to the big screen while addressing a subject often overlooked. The film’s premise, focusing on controversies within the pesticide industry, promises to strike a chord with audiences.
Both Shreyas Talpade and Kajal Aggarwal are expected to deliver impactful performances, given their track records in delivering versatile roles. The collaboration marks a significant project for both actors and sets the stage for a film rooted in meaningful storytelling.
The film is set for a theatrical release on August 15, 2025. The date, coinciding with India’s Independence Day, adds symbolic significance to a movie that delves into themes of accountability and awareness.
On their current workfronts, Shreyas has been constantly busy basking in the mammoth success of Pushpa 2 – The Rule and awaiting the release of Emergency next week. Kajal on the other hand also revealed to play a key role in the huge film, Kannapa, up for release in April 2025.