Actor Sidharth Malhotra has been keeping busy with the shoot of his upcoming romantic-comedy Param Sundari. The film, which pairs him with Janhvi Kapoor for the first time, is currently being shot in Kerala. Fans of the actor are eager to see him return to the rom-com genre, and the buzz around the project continues to grow.
On January 23, Sidharth took to Instagram to share his first photo from the film’s set. The image shows him standing against the backdrop of sunlight, enjoying a refreshing glass of coconut water. The serene location features lush greenery, mountains, and a river visible from what appears to be his room.
The actor captioned the post with a playful note, “Keeping it (ना)real,” adding a touch of humor. His followers were quick to respond, showering the post with likes and comments.
Sidharth’s post has further piqued the curiosity of his fans, who are now looking forward to updates about the film. Param Sundari marks another milestone in his career as he explores new on-screen dynamics with Janhvi Kapoor.
While the makers of the film have kept most details under wraps, the shooting location in Kerala hints at a visually rich backdrop for the story. The actor’s post has already started conversations about the film’s setting and storyline, leaving fans eagerly anticipating its release.