The highly anticipated film ‘Bahuroop’, featuring Soham Chakraborty in seven distinct looks, has encountered a temporary setback. Rumors have been circulating within the industry that shooting has come to a halt due to unresolved payment issues with the unit. However, director Akash Malakar has shed light on the situation, clarifying that the producers have resolved the outstanding salary issue.

According to Akash Malakar, the payment problem was a minor hiccup that has been addressed. “The producers have taken care of the outstanding salaries, and rumors about the shooting halt are unfounded,” he stated. The director attributed the delays to inclement weather, explaining that the team’s shooting schedule was affected by rain.

‘Bahuroop’ promises to showcase Soham Chakraborty in a new light, alongside Idhika Paul. The film’s unique concept, featuring Soham in seven different avatars, has generated significant interest among audiences. With an ensemble cast that includes Kamleswar Mukhopadhyay, Loknath Dey, and Bharat Kaul, ‘Bahuroop’ is expected to be a captivating cinematic experience.

The film’s shooting commenced last month, with outdoor locations in North Bengal and Kolkata. Despite the temporary disruption, Akash Malakar is confident that the film will meet its scheduled release date. “We have only three days of shooting left, and we’re on track to complete the film soon,” he assured.

Soham Chakraborty’s fans are eagerly awaiting his transformative performances in ‘Bahuroop’. The actor’s versatility has been showcased in various films, and this project promises to be another milestone in his career. Idhika Paul, paired opposite Soham, is also expected to deliver a memorable performance.

The film’s director, Akash Malakar, is determined to bring this unique story to life. With the payment issues resolved, the team is focused on completing the film. ‘Bahuroop’ is slated for release by the end of the year, and audiences can expect a thrilling cinematic experience.

As the film nears completion, anticipation builds among fans. Soham Chakraborty and Idhika Paul’s on-screen chemistry, combined with the film’s intriguing concept, makes ‘Bahuroop’ a highly anticipated release. Despite temporary setbacks, the team’s dedication and creativity ensure that this film will be a standout in Bengali cinema.

With its unique storyline, talented cast, and skilled direction, ‘Bahuroop’ is poised to captivate audiences. As the release date approaches, fans will be eagerly waiting to witness Soham Chakraborty’s seven distinct looks and Idhika Paul’s impressive performance.

The temporary halt in shooting has not dampened expectations for ‘Bahuroop’. Instead, it has fueled anticipation for the film’s release. As the team wraps up shooting, audiences can look forward to a captivating cinematic experience.