Director Shubham Roy is all set to debut in the film industry with his first film, “Bharga,” a family drama with a twist. The film features Sourav Das and Prantika Das, who play Kaustav and Sharmila in the lead roles. While the film appears to be a family drama on the surface, Roy claims many more layers are hidden inside, including a love mystery that will keep the audience engaged.

The film boasts an impressive cast, including Kharaj Mukhopadhyay, Loknath Dey, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Gargi Sengupta, and Surya Majumdar in supporting roles. The director is excited to have such talented actors on board for his first film. The shooting has already been completed, and the release date will be announced soon.

What sets “Bharga” apart is the director’s noble initiative to donate the entire profit of the film to social work. Roy decided to use the earnings from the film to construct a hospital in Nadia, a gesture that won him praise from the cast and crew. Sourav Das, who plays the lead role of Kaustav, expressed his admiration for the director’s initiative, saying that it was a great experience working with Shubham, and he wanted to be a part of this project for the social cause.

Prantika Das, who recently acted in the Bollywood film ‘Bhool Bhulaiya 3’ alongside Kartik Aaryan, plays Sharmila in Bharga. She expressed her excitement about working with Shubham and the film’s unique storyline. The film’s song was shot in North Bengal, adding a scenic touch to the film.

With its intricate storyline, stellar cast, and philanthropic cause, “Bharga” is a film that’s bound to captivate. Director Shubham Roy’s debut film is poised to leave a lasting impression, and his decision to channel the profits towards a noble cause sets a commendable precedent for the industry.

Sourav - Prantika duo - The Profits of the New film will be Spent on Building Hospital 906453