South film Vetrimaaran’s associate director Sara Raj took his last breath on 8th June after he met with a car accident. The road accident took place on June 8 around 11:30 PM. And as per the reports, a junior artist named Palaniappan rammed his car opposite Saran Raj’s bike and left the actor to succumb to his injuries. Sara was an assistant director and supporting actor in the Tamil film industry.
The report says that Palaniappan hit his card while driving drunk. On the other hand, when the accident happened, Saran Raj was riding the bike back to his house. Tragically, the actor died on the spot after the incident took place. In addition, it has been confirmed that the police have arrested Palaniappan under the drink and drive case that caused the accident. The police have filed the case, and it is under investigation now. Soon things will be clarified.
The South star Saran Raj was one of the associate directors of Vetrimaaran. He has worked with the veteran director for the film Vada Chennai. In addition, he has also appeared on screen in Vada Chennai and Asuran.
Road accidents have become very frequent these days. Every day there are thousands of people dying due to road accidents. Recently famous Hindi entertainment business actress Vaibhavi Upadhyaya died in a road accident.
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