Actor and casting director Abhishek Banerjee recently shared an incident where one of his former employees was allegedly involved in casting couch practices. Speaking about the matter, Banerjee revealed that he was furious when he learned about the misconduct and took immediate action to dismiss the individual.
“When I came to know about it, I got very furious and told that guy to leave the company. We gave him whatever was due and so on,” Banerjee said. He later discovered that there were multiple complaints against the individual that had not reached him earlier.
Banerjee also highlighted the challenges female actors face in the industry. He noted that many women are hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of losing work. He shared insights from conversations with female actor friends who often express concerns about their careers and safety.
“When I talk with my female actor friends, they talk about how they are worried about their age and then this. When I ask them why don’t you message directors for meetings or so, they tell me if I do, sometimes, they send their home addresses and that is worrisome,” Banerjee explained.
The actor described how women in the industry are forced to navigate such inappropriate behavior while also dealing with the pressures of maintaining their careers. “It is shocking that they have to maneuver that side also. It is bizarre that they have to tackle this all the time,” he added.
The revelation sheds light on the ongoing issues of harassment and power dynamics within the entertainment industry, sparking conversations about the need for accountability and safer working environments.