Actor Tiger Shroff recently sparked a wave of reactions online after sharing a bold photo on Instagram. The image showcased his chiseled physique, with visible abs and upper thighs, while appearing seemingly nude. Carefully framed to reveal only a glimpse of his bum, the post hinted at his preparation for the final leg of his upcoming film Baaghi 4. Tiger captioned the post, “Prep for the final begins.”
However, the post quickly drew backlash, with many users criticizing the actor for sharing such an image. The comments section was flooded with remarks mocking him for the choice of content. Some users wrote, “Ye kya naghaayi hai,” while another remarked, “Unfollow karne ka time aa gaya hai.” Others added, “Movie hit karane ka aakhri upay” and “Bhai chaddi pehen le,” pointing to the negative reactions the post received.
While Tiger’s fitness and dedication to his roles are often lauded, this post appears to have divided public opinion. Trolls and critics were quick to highlight their discomfort with the photo, with some even questioning whether it was a publicity stunt for the film.
It seems the backlash did affect him a bit or mainly he took notice of it, as post this, the image and the post has now been deleted.