The Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff is a true fitness icon, but the actor recently was diagnosed with Dengue. Today, 6 January, sharing an update about his health, the actor revealed that he has recovered from Dengue, and his new dump is going viral on the internet.
Taking it to his Instagram handle, Tiger shared a shirtless photo flaunting his body after recovering from dengue. In the image, the actor can be seen posing and taking support of his sofa. She went shirtless, wearing only blue shorts. Flaunting his figure in the shirtless avatar, undoubtedly, he is stabbing hearts. His messy hairstyle and candid pose made us fall for him. The perfect shoulders, thighs, and abs hint at Tiger’s dedicated exercise and gym goals. The actress’s perfect figure reveals that he is a fitness freak. However, the hand inside his shorts made fans wonder.
However, as the actor revealed about his health, fans noticed his body and found his muscles a little shrinked. Expressing their doubts, users went gaga over Tiger’s body. A user wrote, “Kya body hai bhai.” The other said, “Saaf saaf jhuttt aisa koi dengue mei dikh skhta hai kya..??? Itna hot.” The third commented, “Puri body Khali Khali Dikh rahi.” The fourth commented, “Bro when did you loose your weight.”
Dengue is a viral fever caused by mosquitoes. Symptoms include high fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, and, in some cases, a decrease in platelet count. On the work front, Tiger Shroff will appear in the action-packed film Bhaaghi 4.