The Tollywood industry has reached a standstill as the deadlock between the Directors Guild and the Federation of Cine Technician Workers of Eastern India continues. The directors have gone on an indefinite strike, while the technicians have suspended all operations at the Technician Studio. The guild suspended the director from July 20 to September 19.

The conflict began when director Rahool Mukherjee allegedly shot a series in Bangladesh without informing the federation. The federation suspended Mukherjee for three months, which was later lifted by the Directors Guild. However, the technicians refused to work with Mukherjee, leading to the current impasse.

Despite efforts to resolve the issue, the situation has become more complicated. The federation has accused some producers, directors, and artists of conspiring to jeopardize the livelihoods of others. The Artist Forum has also issued a statement expressing concern about work disruption due to unforeseen issues.

The strike has halted all shooting, with many artists and technicians waiting for a resolution. Some directors outside the guild reportedly continue to shoot for mega serials, but most of the industry is at a standstill.

The federation has called for a further gathering at the technician studio to discuss the issue. The situation remains uncertain, with no clear end to the deadlock. The Tollywood industry is facing a crisis, with many livelihoods at stake.

The dispute highlights the complexities of the Tollywood industry, with different factions and interests at play. The resolution of the issue will necessitate a united effort from all parties involved. Until then, the industry remains in limbo.

The strike has also raised questions about the governance and regulation of the Tollywood industry. The lack of clear guidelines and protocols has led to confusion and conflict, with different parties interpreting the rules differently.

As the strike continues, the impact on the industry is becoming more apparent. Many artists and technicians are struggling to make ends meet, and the delay in shooting is causing significant financial losses. The situation requires urgent attention and resolution to prevent further damage to the industry and the livelihoods of those involved.