The powerhouse of talents Radhika Apte recently welcomed her first child with her husband, Benedict Taylor. The duo are blessed with their child one week before and now the actress shared a glimpse of her baby on her social media which is creating buzz all over the internet. With the photo, the actress shares about resuming work just a week after giving birth.

Radhika uploaded a photo on her Instagram handle with her newborn, breaking stereotypes of being a mother. The actress resumed work soon after giving birth to her child, and in the photo, she is seen working on a laptop while breastfeeding her baby. Though the actress is working, she prioritizes her duties as a mother, which inspires new moms. In her caption, she wrote, “First work meeting back after birth with our one-week-old at my breast.”

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Radhika proves that one can do it all as she balances her professional life with her responsibilities as a mother, breastfeeding her baby while she attends a meeting. Her multitasking skills highlight her dedication to work. Radhika is setting an empowering example for working mothers, making it normal that ambition and nurturing can coexist.

Radhika often breaks stereotypes with her dedication and straightforward approach to different walks of life. With her bold attempt to work and breastfeed her baby at the same time has made the trailblazer mother in the town.