Actor Tusshar Kapoor recently spoke about his experiences as a star kid entering Bollywood and the challenges he faced during the early days of his career in an interview with Curly Tales. Reflecting on his debut, he shared that he was considered an unlikely candidate to pursue acting. Unlike the typical image of a star kid, he said his personality and demeanor did not match the expectations people had at the time.

He recalled the mahurat of his debut film, where he felt that the media had little faith in him. Tusshar mentioned that their initial reaction was far from encouraging, and he was treated poorly by the press. Being sensitive, the criticism affected him emotionally, and he felt sad during those moments. However, instead of giving up, he focused on improving his performance and worked hard on the film.

Tusshar revealed that his producer noticed his progress throughout the project and often praised him for his improvement. He also admitted that he initially lacked an understanding of how to present himself in public or make the right appearances. Unlike many star kids who receive guidance from their families, Tusshar shared that his father, veteran actor Jeetendra, did not offer him advice on his appearance, wardrobe, or public image.

The actor acknowledged that he had to learn everything on his own through trial and error. He believed that falling and learning from those experiences was essential for growth. Despite the pressure and criticism, Tusshar said he managed to thrive under stress and gradually found his footing in the industry.

Coming to his on-screen projects, Tusshar was recently seen in Dus June Ki Raat – Chapter 1 and will be seen ahead in the multi-starrer, Welcome To The Jungle.