Ram Charan, with his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela, welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on 20 June 2023 at Apollo Hospital in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. The girlchild was named Klin Kaara by her grandparents. Ever since then, the couple have embraced parenthood, and they often share cute glimpses of their little princess. But this time, it’s something special as Ram Charan’s wife shared the sweetest reaction of her daughter seeing her father on-screen.
On Saturday, Upasana shared a glimpse of her personal life, which turned out to be pure bliss. The video shows Ram and Upasana’s daughter, Klin Kaara, watching her father’s film RRR on a bug screen. Seeing him on the screen, the little one screams at the screen, taking the sofa’s support, which looked like she was calling him. Her reaction is the sweetest thing on the internet today. Not only that, but Klin Kaara also waved for Ram Charan, and she melted our hearts with her cuteness.
Upasana expressed her opinion about RRR film and said, “@rrrmovie was truly an experience of a lifetime for us in countless ways. “Further she mentioned about Klin Kaara’s reaction watching her father on screen for the first time, “Watching her naana for the first time on TV.” Naana is a telugu word which means father.
Praising Ram Charan’s appearance in RRR his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela expressed her proud feelings and also wished the actor good luck for upcoming film Game Changer. She captioned the post, “When she watches her naana on screen for the first time. @alwaysramcharan sooo proud of you.
All set for Game Changer now.”