Upasana Singh, the talented actress on television as well as in movies, became everyone’s favorite for her comedy in The Kapil Sharma Show as ‘Bua’ made the audience laugh out loud. In a recent interview, she revealed the reason behind leaving Kapil’s show and some more interesting information.
In an wholesome conversation with Siddharth Kannan spilled beans on leaving The Kapil Sharma Show, she said, “Actually 2.5 years the show was on top it was No.1 hit , but there was a time I had nothing to do then I started to feel and I even said this to Kapil. Kapil is my very good friend there is no fight between us. I told Kapil, things are not like before I don’t enjoy it, sometimes I’m standing saying two lines and sometimes something.”
Further, she revealed that she asked Kapil to look for her role, and he agreed but first wished to sort his things in films. But amidst that, Kapil ended up in a tiff with Colors, and she signed the contract with the channel and not Kapil, so things went off that way.” Upasana also revealed that while she worked with Sony, her lines were cut, and she felt like a torcher, so she left the show because she was not satisfied, even Ali Asgar left for the same reason.
Talking about the rift between Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover Upasana shared, “I was not with them, but the tension was created between the two. Things were different that time Kapil was different, and even the atmosphere on set was changed. When a man becomes big so people there are people who try to make you understand you, but they are not friends. They are enemies. She also questioned why he had to take photographs with them and why he had to target people who made you the star. So that’s the Stardom thing, but Kapil realized his mistake and witnessed his downfall.”