The talented actor Vijay Varma recently shared a heartfelt post on Instagram after meeting Captain Devi Sharan, the real-life pilot he portrays in the upcoming Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. The series, based on the 1999 hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight, marks filmmaker Anubhav Sinha’s OTT debut and features an ensemble cast.

Vijay expressed his honor and privilege in meeting Captain Sharan in his post, describing him as a “real-life hero.” He shared two photos with the captain, one in the cockpit and another where they twinned in white shirts and black blazers. Vijay wrote, “When I first met Captain Sharan, I was taken in by his pleasant smile and simplicity… His efforts to save lives amidst chaos and dread are truly inspiring!”

Vijay also recalled asking Captain Sharan about a scar on his neck, to which the captain replied, “Woh hijackers ki gun seven dins tak yahi Pragati rahi toh wound ho gaya tha jo heal nahi hua” (The hijackers’ gun was pressed against my neck for seven days, resulting in a wound that never healed). Vijay was left speechless, frozen in awe of the captain’s bravery.

Vijay Varma Meets Real-Life Hero Captain Devi Sharan-Gains Insights for Netflix Series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack 914985

The Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack focuses on the events following the hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight. The show boasts an impressive cast, including Patralekhaa, Dia Mirza, Pankaj Kapur, Naseeruddin Shah, Amrita Puri, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Pooja Gor, Anupam Tripathi, Kanwaljit Singh, Aditya Srivastava, Sushant Singh, and Yashpal Sharma.

Vijay’s post highlights the significance of meeting the real-life hero he portrays, gaining valuable insights into Captain Sharan’s experiences and bravery. The series is set to stream on Netflix from August 29, promising a gripping and inspiring tale of resilience and honor.