The upcoming Telugu film Ghaati has been garnering attention for its ambitious scale and star-studded cast. Directed by Krish, the film features Anushka Shetty in the lead role and is set to release on April 18, 2025.
In a recent update, Tamil actor Vikram Prabhu has been revealed as part of the cast. Known for his performances in Tamil cinema, Vikram will be seen in a significant role as Desi Raju. His first look was unveiled on his birthday, sparking curiosity among fans about his character and its role in the story.
Director Krish is recognized for assembling diverse talent for his projects, and Vikram’s inclusion adds another layer of interest to Ghaati. The film promises a fresh dynamic with its blend of established Telugu stars and actors from other industries.
Fans are particularly keen to see the interaction between Vikram Prabhu and Anushka Shetty on screen. While details about the storyline and characters remain under wraps, the casting choices suggest a compelling narrative.
As the release date approaches, the team of Ghaati is expected to share more updates, including teasers and promotional material. The combination of Krish’s direction, Anushka’s lead performance, and Vikram’s presence is building anticipation for what could be a noteworthy addition to Telugu cinema.
Stay tuned for further developments as Ghaati nears its release.