It has been over eight months since actor Siddhant Chaturvedi had his last release in the form of the much-acclaimed film, Kho Gaye Hum Kahan on Netflix. The actor has been on a roll especially after the acclaim he received for Gehraiyaan as well and his social media presence that is a constant. And it seems fitting that after not having too many releases so far, he now has two releases in the next three months.

While we know Dhadak 2 is coming in November, a much anticipated project that has been in the works for a long time is finally seeing the light of the day and that film is Yudhra.

The Excel Entertainment produced film stars Chaturvedi, actor Malavika Mohanan in her Hindi film debut, and currently having the time of his life, Raghav Juyal in lead roles. Sharing a very intriguing series of posters, Chaturvedi captioned it, ‘Anger has a new name. #Yudhra coming to screens near you on 20th September’-

Yudhra First Look: Siddhant Chaturvedi & Malavika Mohanan star in a 'bloody' angry love story 915171

Yudhra First Look: Siddhant Chaturvedi & Malavika Mohanan star in a 'bloody' angry love story 915172

Yudhra is directed by Ravi Udyawar while the story and screenplay is written by Shridhar Raghavan. The film is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani under their banner, Excel Entertainment. Yudhra also stars Ram Kapoor, Shilpa Shukla, Gajraj Rao and Raj Arjun in pivotal roles. The film is set for a release on 20th September 2024.