Bollywood’s renowned make-up and hair artist has designed the look of Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra in ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ film. Arjun will be seen in a desi girl avatar for which the makeup artist has designed his look. The actor will be stepping into the suspense-drama genre by donning the look of a native girl for Dibakar Banerjee’s ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar. His look for the character was created and designed over two weeks. It took two hours to get into the look of the character.
Revealing the details of designing Arjun Kapoor’s look, Sanah says, “I sat with Dibakar and had a long discussion about each and every character, be it Arjun Kapoor to Dinkar to Sejal. He was very much precise about hair, makeup, beard. He was the one who gave importance to hair, wardrobe, makeup. I sat with him and we use to have long Discussions on the appearances of the characters. Arjun’s character is of Haryanvi Police officer. We gave him a kind of rough, strong tanned look in this film. It looks really good on the screen and he has done an amazing job. I think he carried himself really good and his hair was short infact Hakim was with me and we all had a great experience working together with Arjun and even Parineeti.”
Sanah Kewal fondly referred to as Sanah Makeovers, is passionate about her endeavour as a makeup artist. The stand that Sanah holds today in the industry is due to her pure dedication and passion to excel in life. She has worked as a makeup artist and designed the looks for Bollywood stars like Kriti Sanon, Yami Gautam, Pareeniti Chopra, Dia Mirza, Nawazuddin Siddique, Angad Bedi, Sunny Kaushal, and many more.
‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ film marks the third collaboration between the lead actors Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra after they starred together in Ishaqzaade (2012) and Namaste England (2018). The film is written and directed by Dibakar Banerjee and produced by Yash Raj Films.
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