Ananya Panday has a fashion sense which has always been loved by all. The youth influencer made her debut in 2019 and has made a lasting impact with two movies in 2019 while already working on the third. She has also successfully made headlines for her ‘So Positive’ campaign which talks about saving people from social media bullying.
Today, we want to show you an instance when Ananya stunned and looked absolutely gorgeous in a golden lehenga giving fashion goals to all.
Ananya wore a Kresha Bajaj lehenga which was completely covered in metal beaten sequins, matte beads and glass crystals which are intricately sewn on to create the shape of waves. The lehenga has star and shell motifs running throughout the piece. Her makeup was extremely dewy and glowy and she accessorized her look with a choker neckpiece with hair in a middle partition and with curls. Check out the photos below –