The Hindi film fraternity has been blessed with some really gorgeous and adorable personalities who are promising enough to take their acting game and level a notch higher with every performance. She started as the glam doll and diva in Student Of The Year 2 and continued improving all the way more in her next cameo appearance along Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar in Pati Patni Aur Woh. And now, she’s all set to continue the success spree in her next Khaali Peeli opposite the modern-day hunk, Ishaan Khatter.
Over the years, things have changed and movies have changed. But what has remained constant with Ananya is her gorgeous and enchanting beauty and her adorable groomed personality. A lot of young teenage girls want to know the secret behind that beautiful skin and hair. So today, we reveal it all.
As per reports in, Ananya attributes her flawless skin to old traditional therapies. She applies honey, haldi (turmeric) and yogurt on her face daily. She added that she also sprinkles fresh rose water on her face daily.
As far as haircare is concerned, Ananya’s primary and main form of haircare is to oil her hair once in a week.
Simple yet effective ain’t it? For more updates, stay tuned to