Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor have become the most cutest and loved couple in the industry. The duo is soon going to get married and fans are excited to see their wedding. The actors look fabulous together and have just mesmerized us with their beautiful looks. They have become the power couple of the industry and have become an inspiration to millions of people for their cute chemistry. Their love story is also amazing and has impressed us with their love for each other.

The actors are spotted together most of the time for any event or function look. The actors are always seen going hand in hand together and they just give us major couple goals. The actors look fabulous together and always goes in hand in hand together. Their hand-in-hand looks just astonishes us and have impressed millions of people. They are perfectly made for each other and they just look fabulous together.

The actors are loved for their cute pictures and fans just can’t resist falling in love with them. The couple knows very well how to make their fans happy with their superb couple looks.

Check out the hand-in-hand looks of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor and stay tuned to