Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are the most loved duo in Bollywood. The actors are soon to get married, and their fans are excited about their wedding. They just look cute and give us major relationship goals. They are absolutely made for each other as they look cute and are crazy. They both are seen spending time together and look fabulous.

The actors are spotted spending time whenever they are free. And they care a lot for each other as in various pictures, they are seen together, and it feels like they both are there for each other to hold on. Alia Bhatt has also said that Ranbir makes her feel different, and the bond between them is just awesome. They are the most loved and talked about couples of B-town. They have also become the topmost leading couple who just makes us fall in love with them. Once the actress was there for the promotion of her film with her co-stars, and accidentally she called Varun as Ranbir, and everyone noticed it, and she was blushing. Her love for Ranbir has made her go crazy. Her fans just love to see them together, and the lovebirds are just amazing. The main important thing in a relationship is trust and care, and the actors are doing it well. They are seen caring for each other, and their passion for each other is mindblowing.

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