Karishma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor are one of the most stylish and most talked about siblings in Btown. The duo never fails to impressi everyone with their stunning outfits. The duo was seen wearing the Manish Malhotra sequin saree that set the internet on fire. Karishma Kapoor was spotted wearing a navy blue sequin saree by Manish Malhotra. The actress opted for minimal makeup and let her sequin saree do all the talking. Karishma chose a soft pink lipstick and went for smokey eyes and tinge of shimmery silver and a neatly tied bun to accentuate her ethnic look. Karishma looked ravishing in this saree. What stole the show was Karishma’s blouse that perfectly flaunted her bareback. On the other hand, Kareen Kapoor was nothing less.
The younger sister too decided to wear the saree but in a different style. Kareena wore a peach coloured sequin saree by Manish Malhotra and opted for a strappy bralette type blouse with plunging neckline and she looked sizzling hot in this look. Kareena added a beautiful sparkly necklace to complete her look. Kareena went for nude makeup and highlighted her eyes with lots of mascara. Kareena was donning beach wave curls with a middle parting. For us, both the sisters looked flawless as ever in the Manish Malhotra sequin saree of different shades. Though the saree was the same, both the sisters styled it up differently. Who do you think wore it better and blinged up in the sequin saree the most? Rate the best one now!