The Rowdy of South Indian film industry, Vijay Deverakonda has become the topmost leading actor in Tollywood. He has given numerous hit films and has a huge fan following who just goes crazy over him for his excellent acting skills. The actor made his debut film with Nuvvila in 2011, and later on, he gave several hit films and has achieved various accolades for his work in the industry. He is one of the most flourishing and highest-grossing actors who has achieved a lot of fame and popularity. Take a look at the car collection of Vijay Deverakonda.
Vijay owns a BMW car, which is very expensive, and it costs around Rs 89 lakhs. He also has a white colored Porsche Panamera, and he was spotted in the media with this fabulous car. His Mercedes Benz E250 just grabs our attention as it is the most luxurious and mindblowing car. He also owns a Ford Mustang, which is around Rs 74.62 lakh. He is spotted in his different cars, and he just looks fabulous with those cars and has a fantastic collection of cars. He owns incredible and expensive cars, which makes us go gaga over them. He was also seen in his Mercedes Benz GLC300. He owns an Audi A6, which costs Rs 64.20 lakh.
Check out some wonderful pictures of the car collection of Vijay Deverakonda and stay tuned to