Bollywood actress Disha Patani is known to make headlines with her style. This time, she is setting social media ablaze with her unapologetically bold and fearless floral bikini look. The actress has often become the talk of the town with her fierce and fiery dressing, especially in bikinis. Every time, social media becomes a buzz, and this time is no exception. However, the actress flaunts her figure, leaving us in awe. Take a look below.

Taking to her Instagram handle, Disha shared photos from her vacation in Thailand, Koh Samui. First, she dropped a photo of long coconut trees near the beach with a beautiful blue sky. In the next click, the actress showcased her signature effortless style in a floral bikini. The yellow printed bikini set with beautiful pink and white real flowers, she flaunted her perfectly timed hourglass figure. As usual, her beach fashion looked jaw-dropping, with vibrant floral printed in comfy fabric, creating an ideal mix of boldness and elegance.

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But wait, that’s not all! Disha smiled for her fans in the mirror selfie, and we could not get over her irresistible charm. She tied her hair in a bun with flying flicks. The bold black eyes with winged eyeliner, pink cheeks, and glossy pink lips, Disha looked breathtakingly beautiful. The actress’s sun-kissed glow has further cemented her position as a fashion icon. With her choices, she consistently raises the temperature with her holiday wardrobe choices.