One-shoulder outfit just looks impressive and gives a glamorous look to the Bollywood actresses Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor, and Kiara Advani. Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif was spotted wearing one-shoulder outfits for a party or any event. She wore a pink plain, one-shoulder dress and was looking dazzling. She was looking hot in her yellow one-shoulder dress. She was looking alluring in her red dress.
Kareena Kapoor is also seen wearing a one-shoulder dress for her red carpet looks. She was resembling passion and sensuousness in her red one-shoulder gown. She also wore a brown high slit one-shoulder gown and was looking fantastic. She was seen wearing a one-shoulder top with a striped skirt. Kiara Advani was looking cute and sassy in her pink one-shoulder short dress. She was also seen wearing a yellow one-shoulder dress and was looking stunning in that outfit. The actress was looking alluring in a black and white high slit dress.
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