Is there any higher honor than being cast as Superman in a major motion picture? You’ll have to consult Henry Cavill about this. He may not be able to leap towering buildings in a single bound in real life, but there’s no denying that he looks the part of Superman in “Man of Steel.” To prepare for the part, the British actor completed a 6-month rigorous training regimen. Twilight focused on functional workouts and training movements over specific muscle regions as Cavill’s coach. This aided in the development of both functional stretch and muscle mass.

Functional movements like kettlebell swings and Olympic lifts were a big part of Henry Cavill’s routines. If you want to gain muscle, you’ll need to consume more calories than you expend. When prepping for his Superman role, Henry Cavill supposedly consumed around 5,000 calories per day. It’s crucial to analyze your current level of fitness before beginning a rigorous fitness program like the Henry Cavill routine. The progressive increase in difficulty is the cornerstone of any successful program. You’re putting yourself up for damage if you leap into strenuous exercise too soon.

While preparing for his movie roles, Cavill worked with a trainer. You might also want to hire a personal trainer, especially if you’ve never done Olympic lifting or functional training before. There are no secrets to getting in shape. Consistency, excellent habits, and hard work are the keys to success. If you haven’t frequently been exercising, it’s a good idea to start with a basic program before moving on to a more progressive one.

Keep reading for more such updates on your favorite celebs.