Bollywood actors look dashing in wedding outfits and they are spotted wearing ethnic outfits and look mesmerizing. The actors definitely give us the major fashion cues and style their outfits amazingly. They are the most fashionable and Stylish looking actors who are very much popular in the industry. Varun Dhawan and Shahid Kapoor are the most handsome-looking stars who are famous and have given several hit films. The actors are seen giving us major wedding outfit goals and look stunning in their wedding outfits. The actors are also seen wearing amazing ethnic outfits which just go perfect for any wedding function look and will definitely make you look superb and stunning.

The actors always look superb and mind-blowing in all their outfits and just give us major stylish and fashionable goals. The beautifully designed outfits of the actors are just fab. Varun Dhawan was spotted wearing a blue sherwani and he was looking alluring in that sherwani look. The actor also wore a black designer sherwani and was shining like a star in that ethnic attire. The actor looks mesmerizing in sherwani look and it is just perfect for any wedding function look. He was also seen wearing a yellow kurta with a yellow jacket and it is just perfect for the Haldi function look. The actor was looking damn hot and handsome in his Ivory color Sherwani and it is perfect for wedding wear.

Shahid Kapoor is also a dapper-looking star who was spotted wearing a white sherwani and was looking elegant in that sherwani look. He also wore a printed black and brown sherwani and was looking absolutely stunning. The actor also wore a white plain Sherwani and was looking superb and stunning in that outfit. The actor looks incredible in his sherwani looks and just donned the wedding function look perfectly. These outfits are just perfect for a groom for his wedding look.

Check out the wedding function cues from Varun Dhawan and Shahid Kapoor and stay in space with