Alia Bhatt, the young 26-year actress, is slaying the Bollywood industry. Alia Bhatt is the cutie-pie of the industry. She has worked in many films and has achieved many awards for it. Alia has an amazing fashion sense. From her debut Bollywood movie, Student of the Year (2012), to the latest movie, Gully Boy (2019), she has played different roles and is successful in achieving countless followers.
Alia’s cute moments will surely make you fall in love with her. The way the actress Alia Bhatt acts, her cuteness gets flooded and her fans go crazy behind her. This cutie slays in traditional as well as western outfits and rocks in those outfits. Soon to tie the knot with her amour, Ranbir Kapoor, the couple looks stunning. The actress looks cute as her facial expressions make her look cute.
Alia is a natural cutie of Bollywood. She looks more gorgeous in open hair and her smile with a dimple makes her look cute. Mostly seen wearing heavy earrings on outfits, she kills her looks. She kills her fans with her eyes and looks stunning in all outfits.
Check out cute moments of Alia Bhatt. Stay tuned to