People were astounded when Janhvi Kapoor made her debut with Dhadak because she looked so much like her mother, the late legend Sridevi. What we got from her was that she was serious about style and attractiveness. She effortlessly transitioned from simple outfits to sultry bikinis. Her vogue is evidenced by the fact that she has about 12 million Instagram followers. Khushi Kapoor, her younger sister, has gained a following of half a million people despite the fact that she has yet to release a film. Whether she’s wearing shoes or a little bag, Janhvi’s makeup and Gen-Z style are always on point. Both of these stunning women have been spotted together on numerous occasions, looking stunning.
It’s no surprise that the Kapoor sisters can teach us a thing or two about applying gorgeous eye makeup. They both prefer to wear browns, coppers, golds, reds, and pinks, which blend in well with India’s skin tone and also look great.
Janhvi and Khushi both like to pair their glittering and over-the-top dresses with nude-colored lipsticks. They both look great in a variety of nude tones that go well with their overall style. Choose your natural nude color by comparing it to the color of your inner lip. You can even go with a pink nude, which matches with practically anything.
Janhvi and Khushi both enjoy dressing up in various desi costumes, such as sarees, lehengas, and suits. They’re both regularly seen in elaborate ensembles designed by Manish Malhotra, a Bollywood couturier, and designer. Manish also had a unique bond with Sridevi, their mother. She was also frequently seen wearing his things, and her daughters are now doing so as well.
So let us know what you think about the Kapoor sisters’ fashion sense & stay tuned to