We have seen several couples in the Bollywood film industry come and go from time to time. But one of those couples who have made their way into our hearts and stayed is the couple of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. The couple has managed to stay the hot topic for quite some time now. We just can’t help but awww continually every time we see them together. We often see pictures of them together on various sources on the internet and it just makes our day. Both of them come from prestigious Bollywood families who have contributed to the Bollywood industry for decades now. Both of them are continuing to walk in the same foot steps and have also made some marvelous contributions on their part with their gifted talent of acting.
What is so amusing to us is the fact they took so long to get together. But now that we look back it doesn’t come as a shock anymore as it looks like it was only a matter of time before this happened. It is like they were always meant to be. What we find extremely cute about them is how both of them try to cover their relationship from the public eye. But what is funny is the fact that both of them fail miserably when they spill out more details than intended at interviews from time to time and then try to cover up. It is cute because it only shows how much they can’t stop talking about each other.
We hope to see Alia and Ranbir prospering and growing in their professional as well as private lives. Stay tuned with us for more updates on your favourite celebs.