Keerthy Suresh is a popular Indian actress who is majorly known for her films in Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam. Recently, she shut down the marriage rumors by making her relationship with Antony Thattil official. Sharing the post, the actress revealed that she has been dating for the last fifteen years, and the journey continues. The news of her marriage is also making rounds, and the actress will tie the knot with her partner on December 12, 2024. The marriage will take place in Goa, and only close friends and family will attend the intimate ceremony. While many are waiting for the special day, Keerthy new photo proves that she will be the most beautiful bride of 2024. Let’s take a look below.

Keerthy Suresh Is Going To Be The Most Beautiful Bride Ever, Here Is Proof 928324

In the new photos, Keerthy shared a series of photos showcasing her bridal glam, anticipating fans. The actress wore a pastel green lehenga embellished with intricate thread embroidery sleeveless blouse teamed with a matching skirt featuring hand-woven details with sparkling sequins and details. She paired her look with a matching sheer dupatta with a broad border. But wait, that’s not all! Keerthy adorns her look with a maroon princess necklace with matching earrings. A low, messy bun decorated with gajra, smokey eyes, shiny cheeks, nude lips, and bindi added a wow touch. Throughout the photos, Keerthy’s sparkling glow grabs our attention, which proves she is the most beautiful bride ever.