Bollywood actresses Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra, and Kareena Kapoor have an immense collection of Sharara. They are seen wearing Sharara for various occasions, such as an event or any special function. Sharara gives a fabulous look and makes the actress slays the outfit in the industry. Katrina Kaif was looking alluring in her yellow Sharara, which was designed by Anita Dongre. She was looking stunning in her orange Sharara and gave us major fashion goals.

Priyanka Chopra was looking alluring in her black velvet Sharara, and she was looking like a princess in that outfit. She wore heavy earrings and a mang tikka on it, and it was looking superb on her. The Sharara was designed very well and gave her a Royal look. Kareena Kapoor was looking ravishing in her Golden Sharara, and it was designed very well and gave her a fabulous look, and she paired her outfit with heavy green jewelry and was looking fantastic. She was looking dazzling in her white Sharara with heavy earrings on it. She was looking damn hot and hot in her black Sharara.

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